Mental Health Tip of The Week: How to Find an Effective Mental Health Worker
Ten Qualities of an Effective Mental Health Worker
ONE: AVAILABILITY – America’s mental health system is past capacity and many places have long wait lists. Call around and see what the options are before committing yourself to a particular practice or clinician. Don’t set yourself up for disappointment in the event they aren’t available. Also, the bigger the organization is, the more corruptible […]
Mental Health tip of the week: Endure!
Go Fund Me Campaign
Mental Health: A Crucifixion Industry?
Can we talk about how the culture of the mental health industry is essentially that healers should allow themselves to be ground up like beef in a meat-grinder, and only be attentive toward their own needs when they’re in danger of suicide? What about how, as a mental health worker, when I say “No, really, […]