The Future of ETMA

From a college assignment:

“My career goal isn’t some abstract dream…it is my actual intent to change the world for the better to the best of my ability using lessons from the leaders, educators, and mentors who developed me into the person I am today.”

Serene Saturdays: Recharge Your Spirit with ETMA!

Announcement: East TN Mentorship Association, LLC will be hosting “Serene Saturdays” every other weekend beginning on October 23rd, 2021. For the first couple of months, we will follow the route below, and perhaps switch to a new adventure once everyone has had the chance to experience the magic of Piney Falls! Our exact route is […]

We’re open!

Two days of very little sleep and some of the deepest contemplation and meditation of my life, and I just had the very distinct honor of speaking with my first client in my new office. My clients are incredible people who want to better themselves and those around them. I’m not sure how this is […]