Bonus Mental Health Tip of the Week: Lessons from the Construction Site
Your self-actualization is intimidating to folks who don’t know their purpose in life! Don’t let them discourage it.
Mental Health Tip of the Week: Engage to Disengage!
There’s no rule saying you have to fight opponents or obstacles on their terms. In mental health, just like in self defense, sometimes you engage only enough to allow yourself to walk away.
Mental Health Tip of the Week: Beware IDENTITY THEFT!
Sigmund Freud: Madman or Genius?
Sigmund Freud is one of the more controversial figures in the history of psychology, but here are three lessons I’ve learned from him that are constantly applicable for my clients.
Mental Health Tip of the Week: Discernment vs. Discretion
In a nutshell? Discernment tells you WHAT to do, discretion tells you what NOT to do. Both are important and adaptable to your chosen system of morality.
Mental Health Tip of the Week: New Year’s Resolutions???
Rather than setting a New Year’s Resolution, how about just setting an intention for the year? This allows for more flexibility, less rigidity, and more room to adapt to a changing environment. What are your goals for 2022? Facebook: Website: Email:
Mental Health Tip of The Week: How to Find an Effective Mental Health Worker
Ten Qualities of an Effective Mental Health Worker
ONE: AVAILABILITY – America’s mental health system is past capacity and many places have long wait lists. Call around and see what the options are before committing yourself to a particular practice or clinician. Don’t set yourself up for disappointment in the event they aren’t available. Also, the bigger the organization is, the more corruptible […]
Mental Health Tip of the Week: Stop asking permission to self actualize!
Psych nerds: Humor as an Organizational Leadership Tool
According to a recent study by Caroline Rosenberg, Arlene Walker, Michael Leiter and Joe Graffam of Deacon University’s School of Psychology, humor in workplace leadership may not be a laughing matter. In fact, their research indicates that humor, used appropriately, can result in greater team cohesion, more productivity, and increased trust in organizational leadership. Used […]