Two days of very little sleep and some of the deepest contemplation and meditation of my life, and I just had the very distinct honor of speaking with my first client in my new office.
My clients are incredible people who want to better themselves and those around them. I’m not sure how this is going to be my life now, but this space is deeply sacred to me and, amidst chaos and unexpected expenses, indeed amidst the highest pressure of my life, I find that I have been tempered by my own mentors to be able to withstand this pressure. SO many blessings in the last few days.
Thanks to my old boss, Michael Massaglia, for quickly getting me a business insurance policy and then for coming to help me jump the truck when it died at the worst possible time.
To everyone who has supported financially or just reached out and encouraged me – every word means something to me and will help me drive the success of this business.
To Heather Phillips, for introducing me to the mental health industry and for believing in me as a healer, leader, and budding entrepreneur, I could’ve never done this without you.
Mostly, to Amanda Stitt, who is always my ride or die, for trusting me to take these risks and to challenge broken systems. When I asked her with silent tears leaking from my eyes “What if I’m not good enough to give these people what they deserve?” She looks at me without an ounce of doubt and says – “You’re too good and you will give them even more than they deserve.”
Lastly, as a person of faith, thank you to God for allowing me to build a resource that exists for ALL sorts of people. Thank you for giving me the gift of discernment and pattern recognition. Thank you for giving me a healer’s heart and sending me on a journey that allowed me to become the most honest version of myself.
There is public wifi locally that will help me save some money while I get the cash flowing. I still need to buy a sign and plug in with the local chamber of commerce, but first I have to pay off the debts associated with opening this communal space. There are decals and tshirts and snacks and drinks and a million ideas that I can execute, just not quite yet.
Ive decided on an old school coffee pot that will be ready whenever people come in and not a Kuerig – symbolism matters to me and there’s nothing better than sharing a pot of coffee. If anyone has one tucked away they’d like to bring by and see the space, I’d love to offer the opportunity for someone to have an impact that reaches beyond the tangible effect of the coffee pot.
I also need living room style furniture for the waiting area – specifically, a couch, maybe a small dining table, and/or some shelves for books and displaying Amanda’s candles and my jewelry.
Things are going splendidly and even as a writer I’m hard pressed to express my gratitude and love of the life I’m building. Many of you appreciate this resource, but none of you know how much it heals me to be able to help others navigate their lives using the lessons I’ve learned.
Thank you all so much.